Scranton Girls Who Code

Working together to inspire, educate, and equip girls from Northeastern Pennsylvania with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities.

1.4  MILLION new Computer Science jobs available in the next 5 years

29%  Number of these jobs that expected to be filled by graduates of US Universities

3% Number expected to be filled by women educated in the US


Famous Coders:

Ben Silberrmann, Founder of Pinterest*

Sergei Brin, Founder of Google*

Jack Dorsey, Founder of Twitter*

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft

Michel Krieger, Founder of Instagram*

Ada Lovelace (born 1815), credited as the world's first computer programmer

Marisa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo

Larry Page, Founder of Google*

Evan Sharp, Founder of Pinterest*

Kevin Systrom, Founder of Instagram*

Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook*

*   Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest were founded by men who code. 

    Girls Who Code will change this list!