1.4 MILLION new Computer Science jobs available in the next 5 years
29% Number of these jobs that expected to be filled by graduates of US Universities
3% Number expected to be filled by women educated in the US
Famous Coders:
Ben Silberrmann, Founder of Pinterest*
Sergei Brin, Founder of Google*
Jack Dorsey, Founder of Twitter*
Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft
Michel Krieger, Founder of Instagram*
Ada Lovelace (born 1815), credited as the world's first computer programmer
Marisa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo
Larry Page, Founder of Google*
Evan Sharp, Founder of Pinterest*
Kevin Systrom, Founder of Instagram*
Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook*
* Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest were founded by men who code.
Girls Who Code will change this list!