Scranton Girls Who Code (SGWC) launched in September, 2014. Girls who complete each Level of the Girls Who Code program receive certificates from Girls Who Code national organization as recognition for completing of the curriculum including 40 hours of instruction.
Year 1 (2014/15):
- Fourteen middle & high school girls completed Level 1 of the Girls Who Code program.
Year 2 (2015/16):
- Twenty-One middle & high school girls completed Level 1 of the Girls Who Code program.
- Three high school girls completed Level 2 of the Girls Who Code program.
- Thirty-Four elementary age girls completed our first TechGirlz Workshop.
Scranton Girls Who Code Club Curriculum:
- Club Members are girls grades 6-12
- Project-based activities
- Opportunity to build real world software including mobile applications and video games
- 40 hours of instruction over a school year (20 Two-Hour club meetings)
- End of year, student choice, final project that impacts your community
- Guest Speakers that are role models in computer science, science and business